Saturday 4 June 2011

Welcome home, Malaysia

skill: photography & illustration

Incomplete human

Aim: making a A1 poster that relate to the theme of X for Cheltenham Science Festival.
         what can x represent to us?
X is an interesting alphabet as it has a bad reputation. It is unique comparing to other letters, example like x only describe x ray, x-man, xbox. Yet if we talk about A, we realize it can be describe more than x!

Yet one theme that came to my mind about X is chromosome. We have total 36 chromosome, you can either born as a female or male. Yet some people do born incomplete. They might look like girl, yet part of the organ might not suit the need of gender. 

ever seen someone half body bra and half body with guy private part?

Monday 30 May 2011

The Secret

Aim: making a A1 poster that relate to the theme of X for Cheltenham Science Festival.
         what can x represent to us?
         Can it be X chromosome, X- men, climate change, perfect human or anything relate to daily life?
         With this theme, I have produced a poster which regarding to secret.
         There are things people might not wish to tell out by mouth. Colour can represent how dangerous
         and impact from people. 
         Beside it is similar to world, how tecnology and chemical have polluted on the surface.

3 photos that chosen to produce as poster (photo taken by me):

Skill: photoshop, illustrator, photography

Saturday 14 May 2011

Is marriage sustainable?

Aim: To produce a piece of A2 poster which relate to sustainability around the world.
         I decided to explore it with the concept of cake as metaphor of marriage. As people get to marriage,
         cake increase in sale as well.
         For second poster, I make a prediction graph of the percentage why my parent divorce. 


Tuesday 26 April 2011

Creative workshop module

Daniel Wu an artist from Hong Kong, who shared his life experience of looking further to the journey. He believed that people should not focus on goal, they should learn how to ready for each challenges by extend their limits. Took around of your places, sense the enjoyment of pathway that you are brought to walk to.

Lee Hom an artist from Taiwan, given a brief talk of how he produce his music album with his last experience. How he connect his ideas with the connection of universe. How he always believed fluffy pop is not what he call as music.

My aim of this module is to produce my work with any things that i learn in different workshop. It was done with illustration with six different masks. People always wear two masks while they overcome issues and reality. Yet, I personally think that mask is not what attitude you have, it is more likely your emotion that express on your face. Here are those six masks that i wear along my journey. Consider myself someone who, do not like to praise myself. 

Tuesday 19 April 2011


Aim: explore the huge range of 'invisible' type to be found in your local enviroment
         how words and images work together to communicate a complex range of information
         produce a magazine that t-shirts contain various typography


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