Monday 18 April 2011

Connected ideas with five different words

Aim: Given five words to explore their meaning and visual potential and how I can use them creatively.

Words: Uniform, Wall, Zip, Yoke and Ventriloquist

Development of ideas:

Uniform and Wall

Ventriloquist and Yoke


Additional zip, yoke and wall

Illustrate ideas of wall:
Wall is like a lifestyle where people where in cycle from baby to an adult. It can be seeking for target or justice. Wall can provides what people need such as secure feeling, war representative, protection or different forms of it.

Uniform is a part of design for people. People seek uniform like they seek for warm, symbolize, definition or humor.

Ventriloquist is kinda unique thing which people don't really notice from their eye sight. At times, ventriloquist is isolated aside by human. Yet, not every ventriloquist have that issues. Some of them control over universe and some might be given an attention to human.

Zip can classify as concealing private thing, convenient, changes or unique. It is more to finding a way to open up and close easily.

Yoke is like joining things or people together. It can also haunt down criminal or DNA?

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