Monday 18 April 2011

Feelings that capture in Uk

reaching up to the top is like reaching up to your thumping heart...

It would be cool if i get to speak to the moon

A style that represent UK people, Yesh we love to smoke by the way.

How can we know any of them tell lies? Do the graphic shown a comparison of individuality and group of community?

Did you ever appreciate the time of being a kid to an old fella? Have you ever realize you are part of the cycle of plantation?

Love is not about a distance, it is about how we bond them with different items. Perhaps you can try to form with legs, five toes add fives toes equal ten. That's how human join with. 

 Met uncle spider? Maybe you don't, because you never notice it's surrounding.

If you got a chance, wouldn't you prefer a cheap breakfast every morning? Come cheltenham spa then,  it only cost 3.95 pound per plate!

Do not expect people have the same lucky life as you. People can smile doesn't mean they are happy for what they have. They are human, they know what is the meaning of tired.

Something caught my eyes when i took picture. I kinda miss my childhood for sometimes.

Surprise does not give to someone who know the meaning. It given to someone who never know she has a best buddy company her since the day of uni begin. Happy Birthday Chick!

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